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Crabapple trees show lavish white, pink or red flowers in spring.

We’re always on the lookout for information that might help our customers. Come back and see what’s new!

Onsite Resources

New Mexico Plants and Trees for Landscaping
An almost comprehensive listing of plants and trees that work well in New Mexico landscaping. We’ll occasionally add (or delete) plants to the list as our experience with them suggests changes are warranted.

Offsite Resources

All offsite links open in a new window.

City of Albuquerque Sustainable Water
Contains information about xeriscaping and City of Albuquerque rebates for xeriscaping and other water conservation efforts.

Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority – Xeriscape Rebates
Describes rebate requirements; The Hilltop is experienced in creating plans that help residential and commercial customers gain approvals for rebates.

Rain Bird Sprinkler and Irrigation Systems
The Hilltop uses Rain Bird irrigation systems. Their website contains lots of useful information and videos for educating yourself about sprinklers and irrigation systems.