Inspirations from a foodie, artist and landscaper: a tussie-mussie garden»

If you missed it—and I’m not sure how you did, since it seemed to be everywhere—there was a Royal Wedding last month. Whatever your personal issues with the Royal I…

Vinnie sez: “Your mudder wants roses”»

I got a frantic message from my friend Vinnie. “Hey Victor, I really need your help! Come over as soon as you can!” Vinnie is a very good customer of…

Wow! What’s blooming in Albuquerque?»

We seem to wait so long for spring to get here; then suddenly, even with all the cold temperatures and crazy winds there are those irrepressible Winter Jasmine and Forsythias…

Focusing on focal points in landscape design»

Landscape design covers a wide range of approaches to create a functional and beautiful environment. One of the most important elements in a design for creating an attention-getting landscape is…

Frigid February turns to March madness: plants suffer freeze damage following record lows»

Look for plant damage due to record low temperatures! The deep freeze of February is starting to lose its grip and after what seemed to be an interminable period of…

Following the big freeze, get irrigation systems checked to avoid plant damage»

We are at that time of year where we are having warmer days, and we look to returning to our favorite outdoor activities, like backyard BBQ’s! As we re-enter our…

When choosing plants, remember to include some you can enjoy in winter»

It’s gray. It’s cold. The huge Prickly Pear down the street from me is quite depressed; it’s not one of the hardiest types and I fear it didn’t dodge the…

Winter watering helps trees thrive in spring»

It won’t be long before we begin to notice the Elms and Silver Maple buds swelling. Seeing that always gives me hope that Spring is not too far off! Winter…

Winter is the best time for trimming trees, shearing shrubs»

Winter is upon us, and the trees are sleeping. Time to get those trees trimmed, shrubs sheared, and your roses pruned. It’s time to think about our trees and shrubbery.…