A Culture of Safety Keeps Our Employees Happy and Safe

Safety is an integral part of The Hilltop. Why?


If a worker is injured on the job, it costs the company in lost work hours, increased insurance rates, workers’ compensation premiums and possible litigation. Productivity is lost when other workers have to stop work to deal with the injury. Even a single injury can have far-reaching and debilitating effects on your business.

The reduced costs of doing a job safely can then be passed on to our employees and our Customers.


Our employees are vested in our Safety Program. From the very top to the very bottom. When you create a healthy and safe workplace, you reduce those issues in several ways. By budgeting for safety improvements and making safety part of our operation, we get the trust of our employees and customers.

We involve our employees in safety decisions—through reporting, walk-throughs and meetings. We follow through on their input for improving safety.  Our employees know that we care about their well-being. Our People respond by working harder, showing more pride in their jobs and remaining loyal.


By putting Safety first we turn out higher quality landscape jobs. In some cases, that’s because a safe workplace tends to be a more efficient one, free of debris and hazards.  In other cases, it’s a matter of focus. By working in a safe, efficient environment, our workers are able to reduce distractions and truly focus on the quality of what they do. The results? Better landscapes that create customer loyalty, bigger margins and increased sales.

In these ways and others workplace safety is about much more than forcing people to be safe. It’s about creating the kind of productive, efficient, happy and inspiring workplace we all want.